Are you stuck in “All-or-Nothing” mentality?

Are you stuck in the belief that you can celebrate only when you finally win that BIG dream?

But for most of us who are starting, that paradigm will do us more harm than good.

As introverts, we all know the pressure to wait for the “big win” before celebrating,

Partly because we don’t believe in “showing off”

Partly because we believe that it is not worth celebrating small wins.

Well, I have found that will only lead us to perfectionism, or even ego (win big or nothing).

That mentality works well for celebrities or high achievers, I mean they have already overcome so many challenges, they CAN think “all or nothing”.

See, you cannot copy their results if you don’t copy their work ethics…

If I want the fruit, I must sow the seed, protect it, and water it.

At the start of our journey, we NEED (not want) encouragement, support, and motivation.

You are lucky if those around you support genuinely support you. Most of the time that is not the case.

So, we are left to ourselves, alone.

No one is obliged to support you encourage you or motivate you. They have their problems to deal with. Your success is your child, your responsibility, and if you don’t support or encourage yourself, no one else will.

And if you wait till you achieve your big dream, you may feel demotivated during your process.

Remember ALL of us need support and motivation. And by celebrating your small wins, you are giving yourself that much-needed motivation that your efforts ARE PAYING.

This is huge! More crucial than you may acknowledge.

Do you know, that just showing up is a huge step forward in itself?

Think of it as progress, not perfection.

Bonus Tip for Authenticity: Celebrate your wins with genuine excitement!

That excitement will tell your body, “This is good!”, and it will respond positively whenever you take action towards your goal.

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