Concerned that “your” service is already saturated in the market?

I know a vast amount of content is available online, and you may feel your voice will get lost in the noise and you might hesitate to add to the “sea of sameness.”

I’m here to tell you that you can still make your mark.

Let me share with you 5 products and services where a single brand came to dominate the existing market, not by offering a completely new concept, but by excelling in quality or through intense marketing:

1. Search Engines: Search engines existed before Google, but Google focused on constantly improving its search algorithms and user experience leading it to become the dominant search engine globally.

2. Photocopiers: While photocopiers existed before Xerox, Xerox invested heavily in marketing and branding. Now, we use “Xerox” as a verb for photocopying, don’t we?

3. Fast Food: Hamburgers were a common food item before McDonald’s, but they standardized their operations, focused on consistency and affordability, and created a recognizable brand experience that led to its dominance in the fast food industry.

4. Sneakers: Many athletic shoes existed before Nike, but Nike’s innovative designs, celebrity endorsements, and aggressive marketing campaigns propelled it to the top of the athletic footwear market.

5. Streaming Services: While Netflix wasn’t the first streaming service, it strategically built a vast content library, offered a user-friendly interface, and heavily invested in original content, becoming synonymous with streaming for many people.

Do you still think yours is saturated??

You are unique! Your experiences, approach, and passion for helping others set you apart.

Video allows you to showcase your authenticity and connect with your ideal clients on a deeper level.

Comment below or DM me on how to make your voice heard!

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